I. Code of Ethics

Students of Judo must uphold the highest ethical and moral standards. Loyalty and commitment to one’s Dojo, organization, and personal development are paramount. Judo students represent their club, instructors, and organizations both inside and outside the Dojo. Their actions reflect not only on themselves but also on their peers and community. Respect for elders, higher officials, and individuals of all ranks is essential.

During tournaments, students should maintain proper attire and demonstrate respect, regardless of competitive circumstances. Respect begins in the Dojo and extends to all aspects of a Judoka’s life.

The principles of commitment, loyalty, trust, hard work, and respect are the foundation of Judo. By adhering to these values, students embody Judo’s mottos:

  • Seiryoku: To put one’s best effort into actions.
  • Jita Kyoei: Working for harmonious relationships with others.

(Source: USJF Official Judo Handbook)

II. Club Requirements

  1. Fees:
    • $30/month for non-YMCA members (as of May 3, 2019).
    • $15/month for YMCA members.
  2. Payment:
    • Fees must be paid promptly to the Mililani YMCA.
  3. Class Times:
    • Classes are held on Mondays and Fridays.
      • Beginners: 6:30-8:00 PM
      • Intermediate/Advanced: 6:30-8:00 PM
  4. Mat Setup:
    • All students are expected to assist with mat setup and takedown. Parents are encouraged to help as well.
  5. Dress Code:
    • Students must wear clean Judo gis.
    • Girls should wear a t-shirt under their gi (mandatory for tournaments).
    • Long hair should be tied back.
    • Nails (fingers and toes) must be trimmed.
    • Avoid hard items such as earrings, pins, buckles, or buttons.
  6. Discipline:
    • Parents of children aged 6+ are encouraged to join the club and practice alongside their child.
    • Parents must inform the instructor and YMCA of any limitations or concerns.
    • Instructors may enforce discipline for safety and coherence. Repeated issues may result in removal from the club.
  7. Optional Activities:
    • Opportunities include tournaments, clinics, and social events. Membership in USJF association is required.

III. Promotion Requirements

Promotions are based on the United States Judo Federation (USJF) and United States Judo, Inc. (USJI) guidelines. The Head Instructor evaluates students annually based on ability and classification:

Student Classifications:

  1. Competitor:
    • Active in tournaments.
    • Requires membership in the Judo Black Belt Association of Hawaii (JBBAH) and USJF or USJI.
    • Competitive accomplishments may shorten time-in-grade requirements.
  2. Non-Competitor:
    • Active in all aspects of Judo except tournaments.
    • Promotion requirements are stricter and include longer time-in-grade.

Membership in JBBAH and USJI/USJF is mandatory for promotion consideration.

Individual Rank Requirements:

Belt Colors and Requirements:

  • Yonen: White (Minimum Age: 6)
    • Good moral character and regular attendance.
    • Basic Judo etiquette, hygiene, and knowledge.
    • Ability to demonstrate posture, movements, and two throws.
  • Yonen: Yellow (Minimum Age: 6)
    • Knowledge of Dr. Jigoro Kano’s history and basic Judo terms.
    • Demonstration of techniques, including three throws and one pin.
  • Yonen: Orange (Minimum Age: 8)
    • Advanced understanding of postures and contest terms.
    • Ability to demonstrate three throws and two pins.
  • Yonen: Blue (Minimum Age: 10)
    • Knowledge of throwing and grappling techniques.
    • Ability to demonstrate four throws and three pins.
  • Yonen: Purple (Minimum Age: 12)
    • Ability to demonstrate five throws and four pins.
  • Yonen: Green (Minimum Age: 14)
    • Ability to demonstrate six throws, five pins, and one choke.

Brown Belt Ranks:

  • Sankyu: 7 throws, 7 pins, 2 chokes, 1 armlock.
  • Nikyu: 8 throws, 8 pins, 3 chokes, 2 armlocks.
  • Ikkyu: 9 throws, 9 pins, 4 chokes, 4 armlocks.

III.a. Ranking System

Rank12 yrs & under (Yonen)13-16 yrs (Shonen)17+ yrs (Senior)
Sankyu (3)BlueBlueBrown
Nikyu (2)PurplePurpleBrown
Ikkyu (1)GreenGreenBrown
Shodan (1)Black
Nidan (2)Black
Sandan (3)Black
Yodan (4)Black
Godan (5)Black
Rokudan (6)Red/White
Shichidan (7)Red/White
Hachidan (8)Red/White
Kudan (9)Red
Judan (10)Red

Additional Guidelines


  • Bow when entering or leaving the Dojo.
  • Do not wear the Judo gi or belt as a costume.
  • Pay attention to the Sensei and maintain a tidy appearance.
  • Late arrivals must bow and wait for the Sensei’s permission to join.

Bowing and Sitting:

  • Rei: Standing bow.
  • Zarei: Kneeling bow.
  • Seiza: Sitting on knees.
  • Anza: Sitting cross-legged.


  • Tap to signal distress or request a stop.
  • Injuries should be reported immediately.
  • Avoid demonstrating techniques outside the Dojo.

The 3 C’s, R’s, and S’s:

  • Courtesy, Confidence, Consideration.
  • Respect, Responsibility, Readiness.
  • Safety, Sportsmanship, Spirit.


  • Anza: Sitting with legs crossed
  • Ashi Waza: Foot & leg techniques
  • Dojo: Judo classroom
  • Gi: Uniform
  • Hajime: Start
  • Judoka: Judo student
  • Judo: “The gentle way”
  • Kansetsu Waza: Joint lock techniques
  • Kata: True form of Judo / formal exercises
  • Ki: Attention
  • Kiai: Spirit yell
  • Koshi Waza: Hip techniques
  • Makoto: Sincerity or pure heart
  • Matte: Stop
  • Nage Waza: Throwing techniques
  • Newaza: Ground techniques
  • Obi: Belt (signifies rank)
  • Randori: Freestyle exercises
  • Rei: Standing bow
  • Seiza: Sitting on knees
  • Sensei: Teacher
  • Shime Waza: Choking techniques
  • Shiai: Tournaments / matches
  • Tachi Waza: Standing techniques
  • Tatami: Judo mat
  • Te Waza: Hand techniques
  • Ukemi: The art of falling without pain or injury
  • Waza: Technique